Returns & Refunds

Returns & Refunds

We want you to be 100% pleased with your purchase! We make personalized gift-giving easy, fast and letter-perfect -- we guarantee it! We inspect every item for quality and accuracy before it ships to you or your loved one.

We guarantee our personalized products to be free of manufacturing errors or product defects. If there is a quality issue with your order, please contact us at rachelg@automatedprintandpromo.comor at 216-379-2591 within 30 days of receipt to determine the next step. Understandably, personalized items cannot be accepted for return unless there is a manufacturing error or product defect.

Jerusalem Stone is 100% natural limestone and will display all the properties of a natural stone, including changes of color, natural fissures in the stone, fossil remnants, certain chipping from the stone cutting process and other imperfections that occur in natural stone. Each tile is unique. We cannot accept returns due to surface color or texture, as that is inherent in the natural stone. All refunds and exchanges must be made within 30 days of receipt.

We want your order to be made just the way you want it! We understand that everyone makes mistakes (including us!) Please review your personalization information very carefully before clicking ‘accept’ and submitting your order. Check spelling, dates and names carefully. You are welcome to email us at rachelg@automatedprintandpromo.comif you have questions about personalization, before placing your order. You are given the opportunity to check any spelling before you purchase, and we cannot take responsibility for any typographical errors.  Understandably, we are not able to accept cancellations or changes to orders once they are placed, as they immediately are sent into production.  NOTE: also reserves the right to cancel your order at its discretion should the order be deemed inappropriate for language, content or material.

We ship through the USPS and try our best to guarantee your gifts will arrive on time. Once it is in the USPS, unexpected circumstances beyond our control might cause a slight delay in delivery of your order. Understandably, no refunds can be issued for orders delayed (either shipping cost or merchandise value) due to adverse weather conditions or any unforeseen circumstance that may affect or any of our carriers. In addition, during this time of supply chain backups, there may be other delays beyond our control. We will do our best to keep you informed.   Thank you for understanding.